Mount Tabor Nursing Home
Mount Tabor Nursing Home opened in March 1998. We are over 25 years in operation and pride ourselves in providing a home from home environment for our residents and families to enjoy. We have accommodation for 46 residents, set out in 3 lovely small units – Seafort, Gilford and Martello all overlooking a central courtyard area where residents can enjoy gardening and relaxing. The home is surrounded by landscaped gardens in the village of Sandymount which many residents enjoy shopping or a meal out with friends.
In the home we strive to ensure our services meet all our residents needs. We provide an excellent meal time experience with fresh varied menu choice, a broad range of activities each week and regular access to medical and allied health practitioners. Our staff have a holistic approach to care ensuring that each resident’s dignity is maintained and families and residents have “peace of mind.” At Mount Tabor, we are committed to providing a comfortable, worry-free and safe living environment for all of our residents.
Mount Tabor Nursing Home opened in March 1998. We are over 25 years in operation and pride ourselves in providing a home from home environment for our residents and families to enjoy. We have accommodation for 46 residents, set out in 3 lovely small units – Seafort, Gilford and Martello all overlooking a central courtyard area where residents can enjoy gardening and relaxing. The home is surrounded by landscaped gardens in the village of Sandymount which many residents enjoy shopping or a meal out with friends.
In the home we strive to ensure our services meet all our residents needs. We provide an excellent meal time experience with fresh varied menu choice, a broad range of activities each week and regular access to medical and allied health practitioners. Our staff have a holistic approach to care ensuring that each resident’s dignity is maintained and families and residents have “peace of mind.” At Mount Tabor, we are committed to providing a comfortable, worry-free and safe living environment for all of our residents.
Our Family of Residents.
Our Family of Residents.
Our Teams don’t just see Mount Tabor Care Centre as a Nursing Home but a living breathing community. All the staff, consider our residents as our family. We actively encourage all our residents to live life to the full – make new friends, try new activities, enjoy current hobbies and most importantly enjoy life. No matter what the care needs are, you can be assured that we will always ensure that their wishes and their individuality is respected. Our residents are individuals first and foremost, and their health, happiness and peace of mind are our main priority.
At Mount Tabor we have designed our services to provide all of our residents with whatever level of care they need, through whatever transitions they encounter. This gives our residents – and their families – the comfort of knowing no matter what the future brings, we will be there with them and so will the many friends they will make as a member of the Mount Tabor community of remarkable residents.
Personalised Care Plans
Personalised Care Plans
A personalised care plan is created for all residents. Person centred care is treatment and care provided by health services that places the person at the centre of their own care and considers the needs of the older person’s carers. Person centered care creates a home-like environment for residents. We will make a visit either at home or in hospital to ensure that we are able to offer the care most suited to the resident’s needs.
Residents, relatives or advocates will be offered the choice to be involved in the development of their care plan. These care plans will be reviewed every three month or more frequently if there are any changes in a resident’s health or circumstances.

Continuum of Care
Continuum of Care
Mount Tabor’s skilled nursing and care staff ensure that each resident receives the support and care they need while living with us.
Residents in our independent living villages transfer to Mount Tabor when their needs change and they need more support.
Likewise for admissions from the community we provide low and high dependency care so we can cater for changing healthcare needs as required.
Our specialist unit Martello has higher levels of staff for those that need additional support.
Our Nursing services are designed primarily to care for older people who require nursing home care. When assessing new residents we will always consider our present resident profiles, nursing staff capacity and how a new person will fit in with our current residents. We will make a visit either at home or in hospital to ensure that we are able to offer the accommodation most suited to the resident’s need
Specialist advice and therapies are provided as required through links with relevant qualified extrernal persons and/or agencies.
In addition to ongoing contact with GPs, this also includes:
- St Vincents University Hospital (Old Age Psychiatry Dept and Medicine for the Elderly Community Service)
- HSE Infection Control Unit
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists (including seating specialists)
- Dietiticians
- Speech & Language Therapists
- Tissue Viability Nurses
- The Blackrock Hospice (Palliative Care and end-of-life support)
Bedroom Accommodation
The ground floor consists of the Gilford area which caters for 14 residents and the Martello area, which caters for 17 residents. The first floor is called Seafort and can accommodate 15 residents. All bedrooms have en-suite facilities, phone, tv, wardrobe, bedside locker and lockable storage for personal possessions.
General Activity Space
There is a pleasant central courtyard garden and front garden for residents to enjoy. The dining room is a large open plan area with a kitchen serving space where residents can enjoy seeing the Head Chef plate up their food. Throughout the home there are several lounges, a large activity room and chapel.
Family Services / Communication
A bedroom is available for residents families to stay overnight if required. We engage with families every week by email so they are fully up to date with any news from the home including infection control measures that may be in place. The Director of Nursing and management team of the home are available Monday to Friday to address any concerns that may arise
At Mount Tabor we pride ourselves in having an excellent dining experience. Our dining area is open plan decorated in light warm colours. We dress our tables everyday and display the menu that residents can chose from. We like to create a warm inviting atmosphere so that meal times can be enjoyed by both residents and staff.
Our aim is to consistently provide restaurant style, high quality meals. We respect and cater for individual likes/dislikes and specific dietary requirements. We provide choice at every meal and regularly review our menus to ensure there is variety for our residents.
We cater for occasions such as resident birthdays and events throughout the year. At some of these events the residents can enjoy music and dancing and invite their families to join.
We believe in a holistic model of care at Mount Tabor. Our Pastoral Carer is available to support the spiritual and emotional needs of residents and their families. They can offer prayer, comfort in times of crisis, a listening ear and general support as needed.
We know that some residents may find it difficult to settle into new surroundings. For those who are anxious, it can be helpful to reach out and have a chat.
This service is offered to residents and their families, faith or no faith and anything shared will be completely confidential.
Mount Tabor is governed by the Health Information and Quality Authority.
Quotes from our most recent HIQA report which can be viewed here
“Twenty one of the forty two residents in the centre were over the age of ninety years, with five of these over the age of one hundred. Inspectors were informed that a sixth resident was due to have their 100th birthday in November. It was clearly evident that independence was supported and promoted”
“Residents were highly complimentary of the centre’s chef and the variety of food on offer. One resident noted that you would not receive the same quality in a five star hotel”.
“The inspectors met with some visitors and relatives who were visiting residents in the centre on the days of inspection. The feedback from both residents and relatives was overwhelmingly positive, confirming to inspectors that Mount Tabor was a nice place to live”.
Our last HIQA Inspection took place in September 2023.